Friday, May 15, 2009

It's so Amazing

5 days ago there were only buds on the trees. 5 days ago there was a wilting tulip standing alone at the side of the driveway. 5 days ago there were large brown spots in the lawn. This morning I sit here looking out at a world where the buds have become broad green leaves. That lone tulip has been joined by what will soon be two groups of fiery orange lilies. The lawn is deep green and lush. This creation is so incredible. How could anyone look around at this Earth, watching how it grows and changes and sustains us and not fall to their knees and praise God? I know how... because I do it every day. I get busy with my "life" and all my hang-ups. I have to go to work, and I need to buy this or that. I wish I were stronger. I wish I were strong enough to keep Satan from getting a hold of me, from getting in the way of me praising my God. I spend my days with non believers, with fellow sinners who don't know of the love of Christ, yet my tongue is silent.

God gave me this incredibly wonderful creation in which to live. Gave me breath, sight, touch, taste, sound. Why can't I give him what he deserves from me? Why can't I tell others of his love, of his gifts?

Lord forgive me. I don't know how to be the man you call me to be. I see your world your people and I am in awe, yet I take it for granted. Thank you for the flowers. Thank you for the green leaves of the trees. Help me God, help clear my vision that I may clearly see the path you have made for me. Please be with Annie today as she has her first day back to work. God she is so incredible, such a blessing to me. I would give anything to ease her pain. Please be that ease today Lord. Hold her close to you. In Jesus holy name I pray. AMEN.