Saturday, June 27, 2009

Keep Saving me.

I have been thinking about something we Christians say, "I'm saved". Saved sounds like something that happened in the past. But what about the sins I've committed this month, this week, even today? Does that one instant save me for the rest of my life? I guess I'm not 100% sure that it does. I wonder if maybe we shouldn't be asking for saving every day? I remember reading that Jesus says something to the effect of "what good is salt that loses it's saltiness?". I read that and think he's saying that we need to continue to strive, continue in our quest to be more Christlike, but also continue to show God the respect and devotion that he deserves. With that I think asking him to save us many times, over and over again is part of it. It's not easy living life sometimes, but our Lord is always with us. I'm going to let this song be my prayer for today. Please God listen to my heart and guide me.