Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Religion at work...

I couldn't find a picture to go along with this. In fact I didn't even think "this" would come about as something to blog about. I was reading over some sermons posted on our churches website and found a piece of scripture that was used that spoke about the importance of helping others. Helping those who may not be as strong, or as able so that the unit functions as a whole. Of course this is definitely a major paraphrase. If you are curious what the verse I am referring too it is Romans 15:1-6, Paul's letter to the Romans. This chapter speaks of unity and the glory that can be found in a unified group of Christians following Christ. I felt that it had a much farther reaching meaning that could be applied to a workforce that can also benefit from being a unified front. Helping each other attain goals so that the outcome benefits all, for surely if one fails most likely all will fail.

I didn't think about the fact that these words of wisdom had come from a book that corporate America seems to frown on. The Bible, while something that brings me joy and hope for my life seems to have caused a bit of stir here in my little neck of the woods. I've been told by two individuals that it was inappropriate to share something from the Bible on a corporate e-mail. It could possibly offend someone. When did people go from being able to express themselves freely without fear of persecution to only being able to do so in small personal groups? I don't apologize if someone was offended by my quotation. If you don't agree with my source then don't read my message. If I were sent similar material from the Koran, or the Hindi Bhagavad Gita I feel that I could read it objectively and take it or leave it. My God is an awesome God and Jesus Christ is my savior. What sort of Christian would I be if I didn't want to share The Gospel with my coworkers? I guess I'm just frustrated. I will have to watch how I share from now on.

Father God I have heard many say that you never allow for a door to close without opening a window. I see now that sharing your word via my companies e-mail won't be tolerated so that door is closed. Please open that window that I may use to be a good disciple. My hope is that through your word and sharing it with others I can come to know you with greater understanding. Please continue to show your love for me in the small miracles that I see in my life each day. Be with me as I try and come out of my shell and let others know of your incredible love. Amen